蒙 Chek Boon Tan 赠送其处女作-《马来西亚砂拉越鲁巴河涌潮奇观》的英文版。本书的书写概念始于近30年前,作者是一名摄影爱好,因协助顺兴公会编制慈云阁新宫落成特刊而对本土历史有兴趣,认为需要书写一本以照片为主的本土论述。 本书原本计划一版三语,但顾及当前的阅读习惯,把中英马来文的版本分开出版。作者以中文书写,后邀专人译成英文及马来文,唯英文版率先面市。 英文版共252页,收录许多珍贵照片,多是作者本身的作品,同时也纳入一些少见的地图、历史照片,另加短文描述,是不不可多得的通俗地方历史读本。由于一些资料、掌故及口述是之前少闻的,所以可提供于有心研究鲁巴河流域历史者一些背景资料。 Thank you Mr Tan Chek Boon for presenting his first-written book - "Tidal Wonders of Lupar River, Sarawak Malaysia" to me this afternoon. This is the fruit of 3-decade hard working of surfing on and travelling by the side of Lupar River with his camera and drone later. Of course, Chek Boon also visited frequently the local Land & Survey Office, DID, State Repository and libraries. Finally, this pictorial with anecdotes and brief-illustrated book get birth. This book describes the beauty and dangerous of Benak (Tidal bore), and the forgotten and untold stories of the multi-ethnic peoples who live beside the Lupar Basin centuries ago. Come and grab a copy of this book, if you wa...